India achieved a historic victory at the 2023 Oscars, as 'Natu Natu' won the Best Original Song award and 'The Elephant Whisperers' received the award for Best Documentary Short Film. At the 95th Academy Awards, the LIVE audience was delighted by the performance of singers Rahul Sipligunj and Kaala Bhairava, who sang 'Naatu Naatu' and got the audience grooving to its peppy tune. Deepika Padukone introduced the duo to the stage before their performance, making the event even more special. Lauren Gottlieb added a vibrant touch to the environment by dancing to the song.
The duet by Rahul and Kaala Bhairava received the loudest cheer from the audience, which included composer MM Keeravaani and actors Ram Charan and NTR Jr. Earlier today, Rahul expressed his excitement about his performance on social media.
Here's his post:
Prior to winning the Best Original Song Award at the Oscars 2023, 'Naatu Naatu' had also won the Golden Globe Award. Rahul was thrilled since the announcement of RRR's Oscar nomination and his performance. He expressed his excitement by stating, "This is going to be an unforgettable moment in my life." And indeed, the moment turned out to be unforgettable, not just for him but for every Indian.
The original composition of 'Naatu Naatu' was by MM Keeravani for RRR, and the Telugu version was sung by Rahul Sipligunj and Kaala Bhairava. Chandrabose wrote the lyrics. The song showcases the pride of local pulsating beats to British officials through a dance-off between the lead characters Ramaraju (Ram Charan), Bheem (NTR Jr), and supporting role Edward (Edward Sonnenblick). It was shot at the Mariinskyi Palace in Kyiv, Ukraine, in August 2021.
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