Bollywood superstar Sunjay Dutt have to served 5 years of prison He always served 18 months of his prison in Jail. The Supreme Court announced 5 year Punishment in case of Mumbai 1983 blasts. The Supreme Court also dismissed "life granted" appeal of Mastermind Yakub Memon's. The apex court said there is no case for probation to Dutt because of the gravity of the crime. Dutt can file a review petition. Sanjay Dutt who was convicted under the arms act illegally possessing weapons of six years under TADA (Terrorists and Disruptive Activities) Act. Sanjay Dutt wasn't present in the court and was represented by his sister Priya. All Bollywood Stars worried about Sanjay Dutt but no one can not go to the opposite side of Supreme Court judgment. Finally there is Justice and INDIAN Constitution is same for everyone doesn't matter whoever is other side. We hope that every culprit should punished by the INDIAN Justice System either this is big ...
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